
angel healing Archives - Tranquility Wellness & Yoga

Want to Get Twin Flame Right? Here’s Why You Never Will….

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It all begins with two epic words: twin flame.  These words less than defining a connection, pull you into something that defies gravity, breaks open your limitations, and at times, even challenges your sanity. It is at its core a spiritual journey that takes you into your core and expands your soul. At a certain point you may give up on labels and you may even set aside the label twin flame. Because like all words, it is our way to attempt to explain, but in this case it is an attempt to explain a transcendent experience that at a…

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Are You Ready for Archangel Hope? She’s Ready for You.

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Are you ready for Archangel Hope? She’s ready for You! Call in Archangel Hope to help you connect to the vibrant ray of hope and empowerment. Her colors are deep yellow to golden yellow. If you call on her she will infuse you vibrant bands of yellow to lift you up and ground your energy in hope and new possibility. This powerful yellow helps you release from the past or the need to ‘get back to the past’ which is self defeating and can trap us in patterns of stuck 3D energy. If you are in a dark night of the…

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