Call in Dragons for Grounding!

Dragons are Here to Help! Do You Need Grounding?

With so much going on on a grand scale it is time to call in dragons! Dragons are powerful transformers of dense fear based energy. They are deeply protective and deeply loving. But they need you to call them in. There is a distortion in our collective that says dragons are to be feared that we are now clearing. They absolutely love to be of service to humanity and have a pivotal role to play in our growth and ascension.

Dragons have the ability to transform matter in a way that is different from etheric spiritual guides, masters and angels. They are powerful heart openers and will emPOWER you to live from the heart with courage. They are tremendously GROUNDING help you ground into mother earth and feel SAFE in the process. 

Calling in Earth Dragons for Grounding:

  • Gather dirt from your home or a nearby location and hold it in your hands and ask that it is blessed by Mother Earth.

  • Stand outside preferably. Mentally call in Earth Dragons to ground your energy by clearing you earth star chakra and clearing your earthly ley lines.

  • Place the sacred dirt outside beneath a tree and feel your roots anchored into the earth growing stronger and your earth star chakra growing.

  • You may feel one particular earth dragon honouring you.

  • Feel yourself deeply connected to the earth, present, and grounded.

  • Offer gratitude to the earth dragons.

To connect more deeply with dragons, Join my upcoming Dragon Communication Webinar or book a Dragon Emergence session.

Love and Grounding,
