Happy 2018! So far, I really love what I am feeling for 2018. Remember all of that hard work and perseverance in 2017, that, at times, made you feel you were in an endless loop of retrograde? Did you find yourself stumbling into 2018? If so, know that all of that hard work will produce results if you keep your angel eyes open and stay present. In fact, one of the themes of 2017 was completion or tying up those loose ends and starting new projects. And now, if you have been following your guidance, that inner voice is saying: NOW is the time, do NOT give up, those projects WILL come to fruition.
I just love the energy of 8. It embodies the energy of infinity and that is expansive. The infinity symbol is one of the ways Archangel Raziel, Angel of Esoteric Wisdom and Holder of the Keys of the Akashic Halls of Amenti, signals his gentle warm grandfatherly support and unwavering presence. He reminds you to hold steady and to trust that you are on the highest track. That is so reassuring! Drawing an infinity symbol or tracing it with your hands vertically, aligns and balances your chakras. And if you ask Raziel, he will continue to give angel signs of encouragement just for you. To be in his presence is to receive a continuous inner hug. If you were with me in my previous clairvoyance Discover the Keys and Unlock the Keys to Clairvoyance with Archangel Raziel series, you know he is working with you on developing your angel clairvoyance and will continue to do so into 2018.
8 also holds the golden vibration of abundance. And Archangel Christiel, the golden angel is one of the angels who makes his presence KNOWN in January. I first met Archangel Christiel on January 1 four years ago and it was quite a surprise. His energy contrasts Raziel’s energy which is like soothing iridescent rainbow prisms. Christiel’s energy is a wonderful sustained explosion of golden light and it radiates in all directions. Picture the energy pouring out of a golden sparkler. To be in his presence is to be illuminated in warmth inside and out. So as he stood beside my bed, that evening back on Jan 1, 2014, I was woken by a golden glowing light. At the time, I felt like I was being showered with the energy of a thousand golden suns and it was absolutely sublime. It was both inviting and exhilarating. He told me that he was here to hold the highest vibration of golden Christ light and to assist with ascension or the spiritual evolution of our planet. So he works closely with Master Jesus and a host of golden angels and ascended masters to uplift us. And that is no small task! On that particular evening, I simply enjoyed the incredible experience. And ever since then, he shows up like clock work in January to inspire us to never give up. He reminds me that hope is never lost and that even the darkest wintery nights can blaze with the awakening of dawn.
One of the benefits of Christiel’s golden light is that it dissolves and clears all energetic cords to the past instantly when you are envisioning a future outcome and want to manifest the highest possible path. In fact, his glowing light transmutes all negativity and confusion. And while choice is good, sometimes it can be overwhelming when making a decision, so he is wonderful at lighting up your highest outcome which will help clarify the decision most aligned with your highest path. And that is SO helpful when you feel like you are bogged down or unsure of your next steps.
Call on Christiel to Clear the Past and Help You Choose Your Most Abundant Path
“Archangel Christiel, please clear all cords to the past with your powerful golden light. Please dissolve all confusion surrounding my present decision about (fill in the blank). Light up the path that aligns with my most abundant spiritually aligned outcome and give me clear signs about the next steps to help me manifest this path with ease. Thank-you!”
Another of Christiel’s purposes is to work with twin flames and assist them in their union. When you add the numbers together 2018 = 11 which is a significant angel number. You may know, that 11 also is the number of twin flames. And when I checked in with Christiel, he shared that 2018 is the year when many twin flames or twin souls come together to anchor in light codes and assist us on the path of ascension. There are three waves of ascension and this collective union will bring forward the third wave. So one of my focuses will be to an include new courses on Twin Flames, as I have been meeting so many of you! And there is so much mis-information out there. So stay tuned for my first new class to help twin flames accelerate their union on Jan 28 in Toronto.
May you discover inner and outer illumination and abundance in 2018!