Are You Ready for Archangel Hope? She’s Ready for You.

Are you ready for Archangel Hope? She’s ready for You!

Call in Archangel Hope to help you connect to the vibrant ray of hope and empowerment. Her colors are deep yellow to golden yellow. If you call on her she will infuse you vibrant bands of yellow to lift you up and ground your energy in hope and new possibility. This powerful yellow helps you release from the past or the need to ‘get back to the past’ which is self defeating and can trap us in patterns of stuck 3D energy.

If you are in a dark night of the soul or know some one who is, sending Archangel Hope and visualizing them wrapped in a sparkling yellow rose will help you and them release blocks and burdens they are ready to let go and will help all connected feel the hopefulness in this present moment.

While we can never force healing we can send angels to people to assist in whatever way the recipient allows.

“Archangel Hope please wrap (state the name) in your beautiful yellow rose of hope. Please help them to feel, hear, see and know that hope is present. Help them feel the positivity of your yellow wings of love to help them release attachments that no longer serve and to usher them into the present with fresh positive perspective. And so it is.”

Call in Hope to help your heart sore!

Book an angelic channeling session to hear more from Archangel Hope and your angel team.

Love and Hope,
