One day, when I was tired and walking my dog Tasha, I noticed a young man walking a golden retriever. The man, a complete stranger, gave me the most wonderful, heart felt smile. This smile lit me up and transformed me. I found myself smiling for the rest of the day. It reminded me of the power of the smallest act of kindess. Then, during a recent angel class, Archangel Raziel came forward with his grandfatherly presence to talk about kindness as a path to ascension. Kindness is something I really value. But in the business of day to day life, I often forget that kindness not only has an intrinsic value, it has a spiritual merit and is its own super power.
If you don’t know Raziel, it’s time! Raziel is angel the of the Rainbow Ray, Keeper of the Keys of Esoteric Wisdom and the Akashics. He shows up in Rainbow Energy healing and holds the vibration of highest magic, so to connect with him is to connect with miracles and with those miracles come an abundance of kindness.
As an angel intuitive, I love all archangels, as beautiful aspects of God, but Raziel holds a special place in my heart. He combines unparalleled wisdom with endless patience and profound power. He waits for you to notice him and often brings your awareness of him forward through another person. In the times of my life when I most needed love and support of the divine, it was Raziel, with his rainbow staff and magnificent rainbow hued wings, whose gentle words of unconditional love and support were truly transformative. What he reminded me of then and now is that persistent kindness is the energy of miracles.
Kindness he reminded during this past evening, is necessary. But kindness is not acting for a certain expected result. The kindness he describes is the kindness that flows from within. The smallest act of kindness from this place truly creates a ripple effect. Kindness is contagious in the best sense. To receive kindness ‘just because’ is to receive a gift that keeps on giving. For when kindness lights up your heart, it inspires you to carry the vibration of kindness and to share it.
When you are down or in need of support call on Raziel to light up your Kind Heart and know that as he does you become a conduit of kindness.
“Raziel please be with me and light up my heart with kindness. Help me to feel kindness from God and Angels and in the world today.” And be open to receiving kindness coming at you in all directions.
How to Embrace the Path of Kindness
- Kindness that Raziel refers to does not seek a response or gratification. So kindness comes from a place of non-attachment. We are not being kind to please but we are being kind as a state of our own inner kindness. This is a vibration that is transformative.
- Be kind to yourself. You truly can’t be kind to others unless you are kind to yourself. If you are in deficiency, then when you are kind it is from a place of “have to” or from a place of neediness. This is over extending and connects to martyrish energy. In this case, setting boundaries and filling yourself up is essential. Visualize a half full glass filling up to overflowing. It is from this place of fullness that you truly offer kindness as a practice.
- Start Small. The smallest acts of kindness from a genuine place can be transformative. Can you recall a day when an unexpected act of kindness was a miracle for you? Try planning a tiny act of kindness for someone in your life and be open to moments of spontaneous kindness.
Kindness will take you into a place of trust if you let it. A Loving Kindness or Meta Meditation practice is one way to spread kindness and a Rainbow Energy Healing session is a wonderful way to connect to Raziel. For if you act out of kindness, you begin to see that you co-create a kind universe. In this way, kindness is not only reflected back to you but it uplifts you and connects you to your highest path, your ascension path. I look forward to meeting you in our shared kind universe.
Love and Kindness.