Happy 2020! We are moving into an incredible new decade. Wherever you are in the world I hope you find the time to clear personal clutter and create internal space in your life for the new influx of light and energy that is the new decade of 2020. Angels are all around you and they work hard to get messages of love to you. So, taking the time to turn inwards and ask for guidance is powerful pre-New Year’s practice. Inviting in a new decade is an extra powerful time to get clear.
The energy in the beginning of 2020 is calm and serene and the perfect vibration to call in your angels and ask them questions. It has an incredible crystalline quality so it is a great time to pause, reflect, and get clear on what you most need to focus on in the upcoming year and to ask for clarity from the angels.
They will help to apprise you of any big global changes on the horizon and will give you specifics on your options and guidance on how to shift into the highest vibration possible. And if things aren’t serene and calm in your life right now, it is all the more imperative to find that pocket of time to ask what changes you may need to make to invite in harmony in the new year.
Why work with angels?
I love to work with angels because they are messengers of God. So not only do they have the highest perspective, but they deliver truth in a way that is kind and compassionate. As egoless beings of light, they rejoice in your spiritual growth and joyful expansion. However, that doesn’t mean they avoid telling you when you are off track or when a bump is near. Quite the contrary. They will say absolutely say ‘no’ or tell you to shift gears, but they will do so in a way that makes you feel supported. They always give you an alternative path that leads you to the best outcome in any situation. Their role is to support you on your soul purpose and they truly honour your freewill choices, so they like to give you options and to uplift your vision. To receive guidance from an angel is to feel the warmth of love from the divine flowing into your heart. So you never feel belittled or diminished. Angels often provide healing along with the guidance, as well, which makes connecting with an angel so worth it.
Angels are amazing communicators. Their job is to connect with humans and they do their best to make the seemingly impossible possible. They are expressions of God but take humanoid form to help and to be approachable. While it is always a joy to connect directly with God, these beautiful benign beings have the role of ‘dialing us in’ and assisting us in the journey of life that is truly a learning experience. Sometimes we can feel a beautiful direct connection with our creator and sometimes we need help and encouragement, especially if we are in overwhelm or uncertainty. And, in these cases, angels can be a miraculous force of love and support. They can be the gentle voice that gives us a new perspective or helps us see a seemingly stale situation with fresh eyes.
As a clairvoyant, I see the beauty the angels. How many there are right now is dazzling. Each person is surrounded in a team of angels who are ready and willing to be of service. But they can be so much more present and interactive, when you ask for help. So don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for support from your angel team.
As we grow spiritually, our vibration raises collectively and our spiritual psychic senses are developing more quickly and so it is becoming easier for you to see, hear, feel, and know the divine guidance from spirit. In this way, we discover the divine is always connecting with us. So my goal is to help you begin to trust your own guidance.
Here are some tips for when you connect with your angel team:
Know that you cannot pick the wrong angel to connect with. Sometimes people worry about which angel to connect with. While many archangels and angels have specific roles or specializations, like Archangel Raphael, for example, is the healing angel. This makes him wonderful to call on for all kinds of healing. But all angels also will provide healing. So if you are requesting healing, you can call on Raphael or any angel who resonates with you and receive that healing. In this way, all angels are messengers of God and so you really can’t go wrong when requesting a message. If you are uncertain on which angel to connect with, simply call on God directly to send you the right angel to deliver your message. Gabriel, the angel of communication, is a wonderful angel to ask questions from if you are uncertain who to connect with. People have both guardian angels and an an overlighting Archangel or Archangel who works strongly with them. So you may be drawn to working more exclusively with these angels or you may explore connecting with different angels. Sometimes we are drawn to a particular angel while going through a period of transition and then it can change. Archangel Jeremial, the life purpose angel, often works with people going through a change in career for a period of time.
When you ask a question, give yourself time to receive, don’t rush the response. Sometimes people ask and expect an answer right away. But a response may take a little time. So it is important to be receptive and open to the answer. Angels are always finding ways to communicate with you and they can be very creative in trying to convey information, so your answer may come to you through music, through another person, through media, or through signs such as feathers or coins. Be open to how you may receive the answer and be patient. You are unique and so may your angel message be.
If you are unsure you have gotten answer right don’t be afraid to ask for a confirmation. Asking for a confirmation sign is a great way to clarify and angels are always happy to do this. Usually this comes in fairly quickly. Often, they will give you a very clear next step as a confirmation.
Angel guidance feels loving. Angels are never harsh or unkind. They are egoless and always want the very best for you. While some lower level guides, who still have ego and can have their own agendas, may feel intense. If you receive guidance that feels critical or makes you feel confused or unwell. This may be from a lower level being. Put it aside and call on Archangel Michael to put his blue cloak of protection around you. And, then, clearly call on God/Source and angelic guidance.
Angel cards are helpful but don’t be afraid to move beyond them. Angel cards are wonderful as they provide you with clear messages and visual pictures to go with them. But they are meant to assist you, and only one way to connect, so don’t be afraid to receive messages directly and to trust your own intuition. Don’t forget to clear your cards daily.
Once you receive your message and get a confirmation, don’t second guess. One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is moving into second guessing. This often comes from a place of unworthiness or self-doubt as angels will give you positive and uplifting messages. Instead, trust the message and set the intention to allow it to unfold in divine timing. You are powerfully intuitive and as we continue to ascend and clear our psychic channels our messages become clearer and our light shines brighter. Angels are always helping us expand our vision of what is possible by empowering us to take on leadership roles and to stand in our power. Sometimes they ask us to step outside of our comfort zones. When this happens they help us transform our reality and to become our highest selves and sometimes this takes faith. But if we trust it we discover that we are on a journey that is filled with magic and miracles.
As an angel intuitive I am happy to connect you more clearly with your angel team. Book an Angel Guidance for Clarity in 2020 in January and February to connect to what your angels most want you to know for 2020 for $111 + HST (a 30$ savings).
Love and peace for 2020,